Friday, November 19, 2004

Perception and Reality

Busy, busy, time has been. I had the opportunity to participate in the 7th Capital Rendezvous of BioQuebec, a one day meeting on the different aspects of financing the biotechnology industry in a globalized market. I hoped to meet receptive people, whom would be willing to share their experience and give some insights as to how to proceed to get in the field. Most people were kind enough to take some time to tell want they did, and to suggest that I should do the same…

I guess this day confronted me to the goals I have, and the perceptions I have of the reality to attain these goals. But, is there one reality? Or did I just get a sense of other’s perceptions that are totally different from my own? The fact is that I did meet a very lovely lady who took the time to think about the different avenues that I could explore, without being affected by her own path. But of course, it would be naïve to think that her perceptions of what I was looking for were right on the target.

I remember now a very important lesson: trust yourself!!! It is a good idea to get a sense of the business, what type of people evolve in it and what are their reality…but remember that you are the one who decides last!!!

Next step: Meet with venture capitalists...
more on BioQuebec:


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